Changing the

Every LGBTIQA+SB person deserves to be able to access life affirming suicide prevention support when they need it most.

If we change the landscape, we will change lives.

Who we are

Changing the Landscape is a commitment to creating a future where LGBTIQA+SB suicide prevention is a national priority. 

We are calling on the healthcare sector and governments to take action toward a suicide prevention system where LGBTIQA+SB peer-led services are sector leaders, and our lived experiences shape our care.

We are working towards a future where LGBTIQA+SB people have the opportunity to live bright, vibrant, proud lives, just like everyone else.  

What we do

We work with LGBTIQA+SB communities, our allies, mental health organisations and policymakers to create the suicide prevention system we need. This looks like: 

  • Running events with and for LGBTIQA+SB communities, our friends, families and allies

  • Sharing lived experience stories and expertise from within LGBTIQA+SB communities

  • Capacity building activities for LGBTIQA+SB people working in healthcare organisations

  • Providing resources for organisations to improve how they work with LGBTIQA+SB communities

  • Advocating for change in the mental health sector through our Changing the Landscape Statement

  • Advocating for changes to how our media talks about LGBTIQA+SB suicide

Why we do what we do

Our LGBTIQA+SB communities know too well what is like to have a lived experience of suicide.

Systemic discrimination and social stigma continue to impact the wellbeing of our communities. We are more likely to experience suicidal distress than non-LGBTIQA people and in the fabric of our communities, we bare the grief of too many LGBTIQA+SB lives that have ended in suicide.

Despite the urgent need, our LGBTIQA+SB peer and lived experience community support services are severely underfunded. Generalist suicide prevention services often do not reach or appropriately support LGBTIQA+SB people.

We need recognition, community leadership and funding for change.

Our communities are strong, and we deserve better from the systems that are meant to support us.

How are we funded?

Changing the Landscape is a project of Switchboard Victoria, generously funded by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s Mindout Program.  

Our funding lasts until June 2025, but we know there’s a lot more work to do. If you want to help us extend Changing the Landscape so we can continue creating a better suicide prevention system for LGBTIQA+SB people around the country, you can make a tax-deductible donation to our campaign. 

Media inquiries

Please direct all media inquiries to